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PynPoint is a Python package for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data of faint companions, in particular exoplanets, but also circumstellar disks. The end-to-end pipeline has a modular architecture with a central data storage in which the reduction steps are stored by the processing modules. These modules have specific tasks for background subtraction, frame selection, centering, PSF subtraction, and, for companions, detection limits as well as photometric and astrometric analysis.

The package has been developed at the Institute of Particle Physics and Astrophysics of ETH Zurich in a collaboration between the Exoplanets & Habitability Group and the Cosmology Research Group. external pageDocumentation is available and includes installation instructions, details on the architecture of PynPoint, quick start and end-to-end examples, and a description of the various processing modules and parameters.

PynPoint is open-source software and can be installed from the external pagePyPI repository while the latest implementations can be pulled from external pageGithub repository.

If you use PynPoint in your publication then please cite external pageStolker et al. (2019). Please also cite external pageAmara & Quanz (2012) as the origin of PynPoint, which focused initially on the use of principal component analysis (PCA) as a PSF subtraction method. In case you use specifically the PCA-based background subtraction module or the wavelet based speckle suppression module, please give credit to external pageHunziker et al. (2018) or external pageBonse, Quanz & Amara (2018), respectively.

For presentations, if you used PynPoint in your work, we would appreciate if in addition to the references you could also include the official DownloadPynPoint logo (ZIP, 1.4 MB), which is is available in various image formats and colors.

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