PlanetS NCCR

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As part of its long-term strategic interest in exoplanet science, the government of Switzerland - through the Swiss National Science Foundation - has awarded funding to a network of universities and research groups to create a Swiss-wide research framework known as the NCCR "PlanetS" (NCCR stands for National Centre of Competence in Research). The scope of the framework is broad and includes planet origin, evolution and characterization, considering both the Solar System and exoplanets, in theory, observation and instrumentation. The program, led by Prof. Willy Benz (University of Bern) and Prof. Stéphane Udry (University of Geneva), is divided in seven interlinked research projects:

  1. Circumstellar discs and planetary systems, Prof. Hans Martin Schmid, ETHZ, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics;
  2. Origins and Evolution of volatiles in planets, Prof. Maria Schönbächler, ETHZ, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology;
  3. Atmospheres of Exoplanets, Prof. Francesco Pepe, University of Geneva;
  4. Solar system data analysis, laboratory investigations, and modelling, Prof. Nicolas Thomas, University of Bern;
  5. Planet formation and evolution, Prof. Willy Benz, University of Bern;
  6. Numerical laboratory for planet formation, Prof. Ben Moore, University of Zurich;
  7. Multi-faceted determination of planet properties and system architecture, Prof. Stéphane Udry, University of Geneva.

Most members of our group are either full or associated members of the NCCR "PlanetS".

More information about the NCCR PlanetS can be found on the following external pageweb page.

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