Disks ARound T Tauri Stars (DARTTS) is an effort at understanding T Tauri disks in both scattered light and submillimeter, combining the power of SPHERE/IRDIS and ALMA to investigate disk structures at different wavelengths and similar high resolution. The DARTTS-S (SPHERE) project was led by H. Avenhaus (former ETH); the accompanying DARTTS-A (ALMA) project is led by S. Perez (Chile).

DARTTS publications:
Avenhaus et al. (2018) external pageDisks around T Tauri Stars with SPHERE (DARTTS-S). I. SPHERE/IRDIS Polarimetric Imaging of Eight Prominent T Tauri Disks

Garufi et al. (2020) external pageDisks Around T Tauri Stars with SPHERE (DARTTS-S). II. Twenty-one new polarimetric images of young stellar disks

DARTTS was prominently features in an external pageESO Photo Release in 2018

PR Image eso1811c SPHERE image of the dusty disc around IM Lupi
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