L 363-38 b: a new planet discovery

A team led by ETHZ astronomer Lia Aleksandrovic-Sartori published the discovery of a new planet orbiting the nearby M dwarf star L 363-38.

by Caroline Keufer-Platz

Planets around stars in the solar neighbourhood will be prime targets for characterisation with upcoming large space- and ground-based facilities. Since large-scale exoplanet searches will not be feasible with such telescopes, it is crucial to use currently available data and instruments to find possible target planets before next-generation facilities come online.

Using new radial velocity data obtained with the state-of-the-arth spectrograph ESPRESSO at the VLT, we discovered a planet with minimum mass equivalent to 4.5 Earth masses orbiting the M dwarf nearby star L 363-38 with an 8.8 days period.

L 363-38 b one of the few standalone planet discoveries with ESPRESSO so far. With this study we therefore further demonstrated the potential of ESPRESSO in detecting and investigating planetary systems around M dwarf stars, which were inaccessible to previous instruments.

Full paper: Sartori, L. F. et al. 2023, L 363-38 b: A planet newly discovered with ESPRESSO orbiting a nearby M dwarf star, external pagehttps://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023A%26A...670A..42S/abstract

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